Death is a universal experience.


And yet the taboo, fear, and culture of silence surrounding death do not reflect its presence in our lives. For the people working in and alongside funeral homes and cemeteries, thinking about death and dying is part of their daily jobs. Death industry professionals like morticians, tombstone sculptors, and cemetery architects memorialize those who have passed by using artistic approaches that can help us see death in a different light. Their intention to make the transition from life to death less fearful for those that are dying and their loved ones is a reminder that we are never alone in this process.

Death Illuminated: The Artistry Within the Death Industry invites visitors to reimagine their perceptions surrounding— death. Through scenic vignettes and art installations, Death Illuminated brings light to the artistry that goes into our ceremonies and memorials for the dead. Highlighting stories from professionals that work intimately with death, the exhibition allows visitors to delve into different points of the post-mortem journey, including funerary practices, body preparation, and floral arrangements. Interactive opportunities throughout the exhibit—including designing an urn or casket, and drafting a six-word epitaph—provide opportunities for visitors to begin thinking about their own memorial visions.


View the conceptual development book below.



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